The Original Body Footprint
The strategic plan towards a healthy life
I'm inviting you to reconsider much of what you've been told about diet, exercise, and health. There's a significant amount of misguided conventional wisdom out there that can confuse, mislead, and complicate even the most sincere efforts to live well: eating nutritiously, exercising effectively, managing weight, and preventing common health issues like obesity, arthritis, cancer, gut health and diabetes to mention a few. In the Original Body Roadmap, we will uncover the truth behind these misconceptions. You'll learn why following a low-fat diet heavy in grains can lead to weight gain and malnourishment. This insight challenges the prevailing belief and offers a fresh perspective on dietary choices.
Furthermore, you'll discover that cholesterol levels and saturated fat intake aren't the primary risk factors for heart disease, as commonly believed. Instead, you'll learn how a diet relatively high in healthy fats can promote wellness and extend lifespan. This paradigm shift in understanding dietary fats offers a new approach to cardiovascular health. Ultimately, you'll discover that losing weight doesn't have to be hard. It's all about eating the right foods—both from plants and animals—and you don't need to spend hours working out. With smart exercise strategies, you can reach your fitness goals without feeling overwhelmed.
Additionally, you'll understand why many dedicated exercisers may unknowingly harm their health and accelerate aging due to misguided fitness regimens. The Original Body Roadmap will educate you on alternative truths and uncover modern myths, and show you how our DNA is programmed to give you real long term health. I and my team are thrilled to have you onboard this journey as we uncover the real truths through our research.
Hi, this is how I discovered why my physique became the best I have ever had. You can get there too!
Consider this..
Three hundred years ago, before the advent of modern industrialization and the abundance of processed foods, human diets were typically simpler and more aligned with natural, whole foods. People relied heavily on locally sourced, seasonal produce and lean meats. Their lifestyles were also markedly different, characterised by higher levels of physical activity due to manual labor, agriculture, and fewer sedentary occupations.
As a result, our ancestors tended to have smaller, leaner bodies, and overall, they were often healthier compared to contemporary populations. Their diets were rich in nutrients and essential micronutrients from fresh fruits, and meats from every part of the animals. Furthermore, their active lifestyles supported metabolic health and weight management.
However, with the onset of industrialisation, urbanisation, and the widespread availability of processed foods, our dietary habits and lifestyles underwent significant changes. Processed foods became more prevalent, containing high levels of refined sugars, unhealthy fats, grains and additives, while natural, whole foods gradually became less common in the average diet. Additionally, technological advancements and automation reduced the need for physical labor, leading to more sedentary lifestyles.
Moreover, the rise of modern technology, such as computers and mobile phones, has introduced new challenges to our health. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt our natural circadian rhythm, affecting our sleep patterns and overall well-being. This disruption can contribute to weight gain and other health issues by altering hormone levels and metabolism.
These shifts in diet, activity levels, and exposure to artificial light have had profound effects on our bodies and health. Consuming excessive amounts of processed foods, combined with sedentary behavior and disrupted sleep patterns, can contribute to weight gain, obesity, and various chronic health conditions.
Understanding the importance of returning to a more balanced lifestyle, which includes a diet rich in natural protein sources such as unprocessed meat and fish, along with moderate physical activity and prioritising healthy sleep habits, is crucial for promoting optimal health and reversing the trend towards obesity and chronic disease. Following the natural rhythm of the sun is vital for maintaining optimal health and well-being. By prioritising exposure to natural daylight during the day, and aligning our activities with the sun's cycle, we can support our body's internal clock and promote physical, mental, and emotional wellness.
…Realising this, I started to do research how I could turn back my body to a more “original” state to align myself with my original DNA. Step by step and by gaining more and more knowledge I tried various configurations until I discovered a path that gave me amazing results on all levels. Based on this path I created the Original Body path, which is the program I would like to share with everyone that is committed to make a change that will last for a lifetime. With this program I will teach you how your body will start to operate in the way it was designed to operate. It is the nature that set the rules for how our body works, it is not something we can change, we just need to adapt in the best possible way.
Here's why it's important:
Evolutionary Adaptations: Our bodies have evolved over thousands of years to thrive in specific environments and conditions. By understanding our ancestral DNA, which reflects the genetic makeup of our ancestors and the environments they lived in, we can gain insight into the types of foods, activities, and lifestyle habits that are most compatible with our biology. This knowledge allows us to make informed choices that support our overall health and vitality.
Nutritional Compatibility: Our ancestors typically consumed diets rich in whole. These foods are often more nutrient-dense and less processed than many modern dietary options. By prioritizing whole, ancestral foods, we can nourish our bodies with the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they need to function optimally.
Physical Activity: Our ancestors led active lifestyles, engaging in activities such as hunting, gathering, and farming. Regular physical activity was an integral part of daily life, contributing to strength, endurance, and overall fitness. By incorporating movement into our daily routines and engaging in activities that mimic those of our ancestors, we can support our physical health and fitness levels.
Circadian Rhythms: Our ancestors lived in sync with the natural cycles of the sun, rising with the dawn and resting with the dusk. This alignment with natural light and darkness helped regulate their sleep-wake cycles and hormonal rhythms. By prioritizing exposure to natural light during the day and minimizing exposure to artificial light at night, we can support our circadian rhythms and promote optimal sleep and overall health.
Stress Reduction: Our ancestors likely experienced periods of stress, such as during times of scarcity or when facing physical threats. However, their stressors were typically acute and short-lived, allowing for adequate recovery and adaptation. In contrast, modern lifestyles often involve chronic stressors such as work deadlines, financial pressures, and constant digital stimulation. By adopting strategies to manage stress, such as mindfulness practices, time spent in nature, and social connections, we can support our mental and emotional well-being.
In summary, aligning with our ancestral DNA involves embracing the principles of ancestral health to optimize our nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress management. By reconnecting with the lifestyle habits that sustained our ancestors for generations, we can cultivate a foundation of health and vitality that aligns with our biological heritage.